Wednesday 11 April 2018

ADSI teachers start blogging

The concept of blogging is becoming popular in educational institutions worldwide. In Kenya, this concept is being introduced by the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI). While facilitating the School Based Coordinators (SBC) seminar at Nyamira, Mr. George Waithaka who is the gesci project coordinator in Nyamira county, emphasized the benefits of blogging.

First, it enables collaboration among teachers. A teacher’s idea in a blog can spark discussions and contributions of ideas from other teachers worldwide to solve a problem or meet the diverse needs of all learners in a classroom.

Teachers can also use blogs of other teachers as part of the online resources which can aid in a preparation of a lesson.

As more Kenyans are getting access to computers and smart phones, blogging will be an efficient way of communicating between the parents, teachers and learners on issues like homework, missed classes, learners discipline among others with minimal travel involved.

Students can also form discussion groups that that go way beyond the walls of their classrooms to promote creativity and collaboration among the learners. As the learners write the blogs they will also perfect their communication skills. The questions posed on the blogs will provoke the learners to stimulate their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Whoever, researchers are afraid of some of the negative effects that may be brought about by the idea of blogging in the educational sector. The effects include, publishing of erroneous and uncorrected work by learners and the possibility of learners being exposed to cybercrimes like cyber bulling as they access and respond to blogs.

By Erwin Mogusu, (

A STEM teacher and blogger from Nyamira County - Kenya


  1. This is very good news to both the teachers and learners.Teaching and learning is becoming easier and more interesting.More so,the new concepts are enhancing learners confidence in them selves as they interact with other learners and the ITC equipment.Learners concentration span in class is increasing day by day and they are looking forward to a new ICT integrated lesson everyday. Thank you GESCI for bringing new teaching methods in our classrooms.

  2. Thanks. I support Ict always

  3. also you can check:
